What is the gender??


Our next baby is growing well so far.

My wife went to hospital and she asked for a doctor let her know our baby's gender.

The answer was.......


It was pretty amazing news for me!
I supposed that next baby would be male again.
Gender is basically no issue for us to have children but result of female is unexpected one for me....

It was really exciting.
Yesterday we went a baby shop to purchase goods for her.
I and my wife chose basically collor of PINK, PINK and PINK!
Attached photo is a part of goods which we bought yesterday.
Boy is really cute but daughter is quite different.

I have had a few of concerns already.

1. Which instrument let her learn, piano?

2. How should I talk with her boyfriend when she brings to us?


How foolish I am...

I just pray that she will come out without any issues.
